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Leak detection systems

Platforms and installations for gas leak detection.

PREVAC leak detection systems are used wherever high accuracy, reliability, low operating costs, and ease of use are needed. To optimize and accelerate your production process and reduce costs, the maintenance of our devices is reduced to the necessary minimum. Our goal is to deliver solutions tailored exactly to your individual needs in a short time.


We make sure that each project we develop is safe, simple, and user-friendly operating with a clear interface.

Leak detection is based on:

  • gas flow,
  • helium or hydrogen recognition.

We provide manual solutions (e.g. for automotive heat exchanger R&D), semi-automated systems (e.g. for leak testing of electric car battery case) or fully automated installations for fast serial production (e.g. production of fire extinguishers).


  • Automotive
  • Aviation
  • Industrial systems
  • Medical devices
  • Packaging and Food
  • Household appliances
  • Metallurgy
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