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Transferring tunnels

Transferring tunnel is used to transfer samples between UHV chambers, in a stable and easy-to-operate way.

The chamber is made of stainless steel and includes flanges for pump, viewports, gauges and transferring ports to connect other chambers. Guaranteed base pressure range 10-11 mbar after bakeout at 150 ºC.

SKU: 345 Category:


Up to 15 sample holders can be loaded and transferred via the sample holder special trolley (up to 15 pcs of PTS or Flag style holdera, or 4 pcs of Plate style holders for 2″ samples).

The movement of a special trolley is realized through linear magnetic drive and rail transfer inside tube. All motion elements: rotary feedthrough, drive belt with set of magnets, section motor, etc. are outside the vacuum in order to guarantee best vacuum performance and easy service.

All sample holders are mounted in the trolley in a vertical position. The trolley switches its angular position in variable sections automatically, a solution which guarantees easy operation and smooth transferring into dedicated Radial Distribution Chamber.

The linear motion is fully automatic, each section includes its own optical sensor and motor to guarantee completely independent movement of each section as well as high precision and full protection of the system. All motion elements are mounted outside the vacuum in order to guarantee the best vacuum performance and for ease of service.

The fast entry load lock chamber mechanism is used for loading sample holder cassette.


  • R1 axis rotation: 90° left / 90° right. Rotation is independent for each port.
  • Sample holders – the tunnel transfer design allows the transfer of a wide range of different sample holders.
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