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Analytical chambers

Designed for applications requiring the investigation of the chemical and physical properties of solid state surfaces, thin films and nanomaterials.

SKU: 9 Category:


They typically have numerous UHV ports (of various standard sizes) for the connection of various types of analytical and spectroscopic instrumentation. They are designed typically for base pressures between 1×10-10 mbar and 1×10-11 mbar. Fabrication is from mu-metal ( magnetic field inside B<0,5μT ) or stainless steel as required. Our standard versatile analytical chambers provide enough ports and facilities for most current and future requirements but we will also be happy to fabricate to your individual specifications.

Analytical chambers are typically equipped with:
• precision manipulator,
• pumping system ( turbo, TSP with cryoshroud and Ion pumps ),
• viewports,
• pressure gauges,
• different types of analysers,
• ion, electron, ultraviolet, X-ray sources etc.

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