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X-ray source with monochromator RMC50

Based on ellipsoidal quartz crystal and operates according to Bragg Law of X-ray diffraction. Crystal mirror has been installed on specially designed independent retraction, pitch, roll mechanism to precise adjustment working position and two halogen heaters controlled via PID regulator.

SKU: 332 Category:


The monochromator with a Rowland circle of 500mm diameter for a high X-ray energy resolution has a compact design with differential pumping ports and an optional polymer aluminized window can be installed to prevent from sputtering.
X-ray source based on redesigned dual anode source has been installed on three degrees of motion high precise manipulator. Source has two operation modes – high power up to 600W, and a small spot for high spatial/energy resolution measurement.

High-pressure versions are available:
RMC50 HP5 with a working pressure range up to 5mbar
RMC50 HP50 with a working pressure range up to 50mbar

Technical data


Mounting flange DN 100 CF
Crystal area 200 mm x 100 mm
Rowland circle diameter 500 mm
Chamber diameter 310 mm
Chamber port length 220 mm
X-ray source anodes dual anode Al/Ag (standard)
Modes normal (non-focusing):
1 mm x 4 mm
small spot (focusing):
1 mm x 2 mm
Voltage up to 15 kV
Power Al: 200 W (focusing), 450 W (non-focusing)
Ag: 300 W (focusing), 600 W (non-focusing)
Manipulator X/Y/Z range ± 6.5 mm / ± 6.5 mm / 25 mm
Differential pumping yes
Crystal heating No
Shutter option
Bakeout temperature up to 150 °C
Weight (approx.) 65 kg
Working pressure UHV -> 5×10-6 mbar
HP5: UHV – 5 mbar
HP5: UHV – 50 mbar



  • Two anode types (Al/Ag) radiation to be monochromized with one single crystal
  • High photon intensity giving a line width of < 0.2 eV
  • Excellent energy resolution
  • Satellites and ghosts line eliminated
  • Reduce background
  • Reduce sample distortion
  • Crystal temperature stability
  • Small spot working mode
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