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Deposition chambers

Deposition process chambers are designed for various applications to coat thin films, develop new materials, or create technologies.

SKU: 9-1 Category:


They typically have numerous UHV ports (of various standard sizes) for the connection of various types of deposition and measuring instrumentation. They are designed typically for base pressures between 1×10-6 mbar and 1×10-11 mbar. Fabrication is from mu-metal (B<0,5μT inside) or stainless steel as required. Our standard versatile analytical chambers provide enough ports and facilities for most current and future requirements but we will also be happy to fabricate to your individual specifications.

Deposition chambers are typically equipped with:
• Different types of deposition sources and instruments, including electron beam evaporators, effusion cells, magnetron sources, thermal evaporation sources, quartz oscillators, and many others:
• precision manipulator,
• pumping system (TMP, TSP with cryocooling, Ion),
• viewports,
• pressure gauges.

The process chamber can be equipped with a half/full LN2

cooled shield (cryo-shroud), an additional shield against contamination (replaceable liner) and source separation against cross-contamination (cryo-panel).

The bottom cluster flange of the process chamber can be exchangeable using a specially designed lifting trolley.
One versatile trolley can be used to replace both the bottom flange, cryo-panel, and liner (for easy cleaning). Thanks to the possibility of replacing the bottom flange with sources, one deposition chamber can be adapted to different applications.

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