For user convenience, the main chamber is accessible through the front door, so it’s easy to change the magnetrons target, substrate or service/clean the chamber interior. Made from stainless steel, the main chamber is ready for a base pressure range <3*10-7 mbar. In standard, it is equipped with two 3-inch magnetron sources (DC, RF) and a 6-pocket electron beam evaporator. A manipulator with rotation is capable to operate the sample holder up to 6 inches.
The software is mainly aimed to:
- full control of the deposition system,
- auto, manual and programmable timer for effective shutter control,
- graphical system state presentation,
- process creator and controller,
- fast, real-time data preview,
- real-time data acquisition (integration with LIMS data acquisition system).
The system is equipped with advanced, easy-to-use power supplies and electronic devices controlling and supporting the sources and the whole included research equipment.
Range of ancillary equipment for streamlining the sputter process is available:
- pyrometer – digital pyrometers are used for non-contact, point-shaped temperature measurement in wide range,
- ellipsometer – analyzes reflected light to determine the thickness and refractive index of dielectrics, semiconductors, and thin metal films. It uses light reflected off the film at a low incident angle,
- reflectometer – non-invasive tool for fast, real-time measurements of deposition rates, film thickness, layers uniformity, optical constants by spectral reflectance system,
- plasma emission monitor (PEM) – optical emission spectroscopy technique for real-time plasma monitoring without affecting it,
- water cooling shroud – as an option the chamber can be equipped with H2O shroud, when there is necessity to decrease components/process temperature,
- shield protection against cross contamination,
- motorised shutter (following the substrate) for sputter deposition with thickness gradient,
- additional gas dosing eg. for the reactive sputtering process,
- heated viewports for diagnostic,
- glovebox.