One of the main advantages of the system is easy access to the process chamber, which can be done through the front door, automatically lifted-up top flange, or through the bottom flange, exchangeable using a specially designed trolley. Therefore, changing the magnetron targets, the substrate holder manipulator, or accessing/replacing the whole bottom flange can be done easily and quickly. The lifting mechanism of the top flange is motorised and fully protected with sensors.
The final design and functionality depend on the system configuration.
The systems are configured with appropriate sealing and pumping systems to achieve the base vacuum in the range of 10-7 mbar (with viton sealed door), 5×10-8 mbar (with viton sealed and differentially pumped door), or UHV pressures (without a door, with fast entry load lock for substrate introducing).
The process chamber is equipped with connecting flanges in UHV standard in different sizes for connecting current and future equipment, including:
- magnetron sources,
- substrate manipulator,
- ion source for cleaning, etching or activating the surface of the substrate,
- pumping system,
- entry port for the linear transferring system or transport box,
- gas dosing system: process gas up to 4 lines, and mass flow control for up to 4 gases,
- motorised or manual shutter (following the substrate) for vicinal layers or masks,
- residual gas analyser,
- quartz balances,
- pyrometers,
- ellipsometer with the detector,
- viewports (observation windows with shutters),
- vacuum gauges.
A pumping system is a combination of different types of pumps, e.g. forevacuum pumps, ion pumps, cryo-pumps, turbo pumps, or titanium sublimation pumps, individually selected to achieve the best pumping performance according to specific application demands.
If needed, the modular design of the system allows combining and integration with any other research platform via radial distribution transferring solution or transferring tunnel.
Synthesium process control software allows integration and perfect cooperation of sources of various types and manufacturers and enables easy recipe writing, automated growth control and extensive data recording. Allows integrating new additional components based on Tango open source device.
The system is equipped with advanced, easy-to-use power supplies and electronic devices controlling and supporting the sources and the whole included research equipment.
A range of ancillary equipment for streamlining the sputtering process is available:
- pyrometer – digital pyrometers are used for non-contact, point-shaped temperature measurements in a wide range,
- ellipsometer – analyzes reflected light to determine the thickness and refractive index of dielectrics, semiconductors, and thin metal films. It uses light reflected off the film at a low incident angle,
- reflectometer – a non-invasive tool for fast, real-time measurements of deposition rates, film thickness, layers uniformity, and optical constants by spectral reflectance system,
- plasma emission monitor (PEM) – optical emission spectroscopy technique for real-time plasma monitoring without affecting it,
- water cooling shroud – as an option the chamber can be equipped with an H2O shroud when there is a necessity to decrease components/process temperature,
- shield protection against cross-contamination,
- motorised or manual shutter (following the substrate) for vicinal layers or masks,
- additional gas dosing eg. for the reactive sputtering process,
- heated viewports for diagnostic devices,
- RF BIAS for the manipulator,
- glovebox.